A Good House is Never Done
Some years ago, Tom and I read the book A Good House Is Never Done by John Wheatman. Following Wheatman’s advice, we find ourselves continually looking for ways to fit our home to our living patterns (rather than the other way around) and to fill our home with beauty. Because so much thought and care were put into this home (three very active years in the design phase!), we’ve been more than happy with every aspect of this house – though there are of course always small improvements and fixes in every house. Our bigger improvements have mainly been outdoors: pavers instead of gravel on the terrace off the main living area, with an arbor rimming that terrace, already nearly covered with grape vines; clear paths through the courtyard in front, nudging the native plantings into a bit more civility; enlarging the pond at the east end.
And then there’s the shaping of the land for planting and for water management. We have nine berms planted with 60 fruit trees of various types plus hazelnut bushes and some maple trees, each with a swale uphill from it, holding water for slow and sustained irrigation. This year might be our first fruit harvest! At the east end of the house we now have eight berms and swales ready for some dozens of berry bushes on order.
We’re looking forward to again sharing our story, as architect Michael Klement is putting together the first-ever virtual tour of the house. We’ve planned with him to continue tours each year in connection with Earth Day – but of course this year is different. Please join us in this multimedia virtual tour, Saturday, April 25, 11 am–12:30 pm. Register here. After registering and shortly before the tour you’ll receive an email with the link to the online event.